Peaks and Valleys: Must-See Local Artist, Caran Magaw

Caran Art Show One of the fun things I did so far this month was  attend Peaks and Valleys, the opening art show of my friend, Caran Magaw. For the entire month of March you can see and purchase Caran’s art at the gallery, Framed on Fifth, a small character gallery at 1207-5 Ave in Kensington, in the heart of Calgary.

At the opening I spoke with Hannah, one of the proprietors of the gallery. She shared that the gallery focuses on up-and-coming and local artists like Caran. It was comforting to know there are still businesses that understand the impact of supporting local and budding artists.

I met Caran years ago at a  friend’s birthday party where we hit it off immediately after discovering our mutual love of reading. Soon after, I joined Caran’s book club, of which I was a member for five years.

Over the years I’ve seen Caran evolve tremendously as an artist. Mostly I’ve admired her determination to work on her art, really work on it, for the pure joy of it. I strive for that state of mind and reliable execution.

Caran’s early work was farm-centric, featuring grain elevators, yellow fields of grain and portraits of horses.

Two years ago I bought my first piece of real art, Caran’s Bold Mare, a jaunty white mare on a red background. The painting takes me back to memories of the white mare I rode as a teenager. Caran let me pay instalments and Bold Mare has been my most exciting purchase in years. I felt privileged to support my friend’s art by buying some of it.

I know little about art, except I do know what paintings make me feel good when I look at them. I was drawn to Caran’s recent work, mostly landscapes, which look like watercolours accented with black oil paint. I’m sure that clumsy explanation is completely inaccurate. Regardless, the effect is bold and beautiful.

When I visited the gallery I spotted another piece I covet. I could tell you the name but then you might snatch it from under me! I’m hoping all her paintings sell but that one so I can have it for myself, maybe strike up another payment plan!

I do hope you’ll visit Caran’s exhibit, if nothing else but to look at some very pretty pictures painted my a very lovely local woman, supported by a local business.

Caran Magaw, Calgary Artist

Caran Magaw,      Calgary Artist




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